THE time of Babylon's greatest material wealth and
splendour, and the period which is reflected in much of the later tradition
about Babylon, was the reign of Nebuchadnezzar (605-562 B.C.). We are fortunate
in having a fair amount of information about the city at this period, not only
from Biblical and Greek tradition, but also from Nebuchadnezzar's own building
inscriptions, and from the business, legal and administrative records of his
reign. Important information has also been obtained from the excavation of the
city itself, notably in the dig directed by the German, Robert Koldewey,
between 1899 and 1917. Taken together, these strands of evidence give us a
fairly clear outline of life in the Babylonian capital under Nebuchadnezzar II,
though of course there are many details which we do not yet know and some which
we may never know.
At the time of Nebuchadnezzar the city of Babylon spread out
on both sides of the Euphrates. What we may call the 'old city' was the part on
the east bank, and this was somewhat larger than the 'new city' opposite. Close
by the east bank and in the centre of the city as a whole stood Etemenanki,
'House of the platform of Heaven and Earth', the great seven-storeyed ziggurrat
or temple tower, already very old but splendidly rebuilt at this time. This was
possibly the original behind the 'tower of Babel' story of the Bible (Genesis
xi 1-9), though of course the Biblical tradition relates to a period over 2000
years before Nebuchadnezzar. This great tower, with a small temple on its
summit, rose to a height of almost 300 feet and dominated the view across the
plain for many miles around. The dimensions varied at different rebuildings,
but excavations show its base at its maximum extent to have formed a square
with sides of about 300 feet. This ziggurrat's main mass was of trodden clay,
though there was a casing of burnt brick nearly 50 feet thick. A staircase
about 30 feet wide led up to the first and second stages; how the higher stages
were reached is not certain, but presumably there were further staircases or
Etemenanki stood in an enclosure surrounded by a continuous
line of brick-built chambers or double walls. Some of these chambers were
certainly store-rooms. Others were probably houses for priests and other
persons engaged in the service of religion, or perhaps (some people have
suggested) lodgings for pilgrims.
Just to the south of the Etemenanki enclosure, and
intimately associated with it, was the great temple-complex of Esagila, 'House
of the Raised Head'. This contained not only the principal shrine sacred to the
city-god Marduk (otherwise called Bel, 'The Lord'), but also others sacred to
Marduk's son Nabu and a number of other deities. We have accounts of Esagila
and Etemenanki both from Greek writers and from cuneiform tablets, one of the
latter giving a detailed account of the measurements of both structures.
Inside Esagila the main chapel of Marduk was a chamber
measuring some 66 feet by 132. This must have presented a scene of dazzling
splendour, for, to quote simply one detail, Nebuchadnezzar himself records that
he overlaid the whole of its interior, including the rafters, with gold. On a
pedestal inside the chapel stood golden images of Marduk and his consort
Sarpanitum, whilst images of divine attendants stood on either side of the
supreme pair. These attendants included hairdressers for Sarpanitum, a butler
and a baker, a door-keeper, and dogs. Statues of winged creatures called Kurub
(whence our word 'Cherub') guarded the entrance. All these images were heavily
decorated with gold and precious stones and dressed in rich raiment, but except
for glimpses from the courtyard the ordinary Babylonian had to take this on
hearsay, for it is unlikely that at the period of Nebuchadnezzar anyone other
than the King, the Crown Prince and certain priests ever entered the inner
There were other temples in the city quite distinct from
Esagila. Within the temples the usual (though not the invariable) layout was as
follows. The god's statue stood in the middle of one long wall of an oblong
chapel, and in the wall opposite was a doorway into an ante-chamber. The
ante-chamber was very similar in shape to the main chapel and ran parallel to
it. In the wall of the antechamber farthest from the chapel was another doorway
giving access from the main courtyard, so that when both the antechamber door
and the chapel door were open the populace could see through to the statue of
the god himself. In the case of Marduk's shrine the doors opened towards a
point a little to the north of east, as befitted a sun-god, though some other
temples had quite different orientations. At the sides and back of the
antechamber and chapel and around the courtyard there was a series of other chambers,
used no doubt as storerooms for the equipment used in the cult.
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