
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Scientists digitally map out entire Great Barrier Reef for the first time

First high resolution map of the entire reef from the world's biggest satellite-derived bathymetry survey

Welcome to the homepage for the high resolution, satellite-derived bathymetry (SDB) of the entire Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Here you can learn more about the project, download free samples, and order both the flagship 30 m horizontal resolution product. To learn more about the project and the products, including an introduction to SDB, please download the project information booklet, press release and the overview map (also accessible by clicking on the pdf icon to the right).

The Products

The two main product types that are made being available here are:
  • Digital, shallow water bathymetry (underwater topography) maps for any or all parts of the GBR
  • Digital, shallow water seafloor reflectance (color and brightness) maps for any or all parts of the GBR
Please note that all bathymetry products are at a nominal 10 cm vertical resolution. For a more detailed description, as well as independent assessments of these products, please see the project information booklet.

Sample data

Please follow this link to download sample data of the main products available for purchase, as well as a sample of the next generation 2 m resolution product.

For free

Download entire GBR bathymetry, down-sampled to 500m horizontal resolution

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