Easter Island is the most isolated island on earth. Less
than twenty-five kilometers (fifteen miles) across, it is well over 2,000
kilometers (1,300 miles) distant from the nearest habitable land in any
direction. Yet when Europeans first chanced across it (Dutchman Jacob Roggeveen
arrived there on Easter Sunday in 1722, hence the name), they found it
inhabited. In fact, Rapa Nui (which is the Polynesian name for the island) had
been colonized well over a millennium earlier, in about C. E. 400. Whether only
a single canoe or fleet of canoes ever reached this remotest corner of
Polynesia, or whether for a period there was further contact, we shall probably
never know. What is certain is that the inhabitants of the island soon lost
contact with their forebears and spent many centuries in complete isolation.
Both archaeologists and ecologists have been bequeathed an incredibly valuable
case study of people interacting with their environment within a closed system,
and it is one that has some sobering lessons for the population of the planet
as a whole. Certainly environmental disaster loomed toward the end, when the
population had increased dramatically and all the forests had been destroyed.
Among the fascinations of Easter Island are the famous large
statues or moai. Several hundred of them came to stand imposingly on platforms
(ahu), mostly ringing the island and facing inland, but with a few in other
locations. Scores more lie or stand in what resembles a frozen production line
in the volcanic crater Rano Raraku, in various stages of production from
quarrying to transportation. Why would an isolated population on a small island
have put such a significant proportion of its human resources into producing
them? One possibility is that they were seen as protective presences, but their
full significance for the population of this tiny island remains largely a
matter of speculation.
The island has long attracted astronomical attention. As far
back as the 1960s, publications appeared describing ahu that were solstitially
or equinoctially aligned. But since there are over 250 ahu on the island, the question
of bias in selection arose. Were the supposedly astronomically aligned ahu
selected on the basis of a preconceived "toolkit" of targets? If so,
it is possible that they had no statistical or cultural significance whatso
ever. Attempts were made to resolve this question through systematic studies of
ahu and moai orientations, both by an archaeologist (the Easter Island
specialist William Mulloy) and later by an astronomer, William Liller. They
provide only marginal evidence at best of any intentional orientations upon
solstitial and equinoctial sunrise and sunset. The overriding tendency is for
ahu to be situated close to the coast and oriented parallel to it, with the
moai facing inland. Since such platforms are to be found all around the
perimeter of the island, their orientations are scattered around the compass,
with some falling inevitably within the solstitial and equinoctial ranges.
Perhaps the most noteworthy ahu from an astronomical point
of view is one of a small minority that are not situated on the coast but a
good way inland. Ahu Huri a Urenga is situated in a low saddle
surrounded-unusually for Easter Island-by a hilly horizon with very little sea
visible. Standing upon the platform is a distinctive and imposing moai. This is
aligned not only upon the rising sun at the June solstice, but upon a prominent
hill summit. Another hilltop marks equinoctial sunset. A number of apparently
artificial depressions in boulders adjacent to the platform incorporate several
so lar alignments and hence, it has been claimed, could have functioned as a solar-ranging
device. All this evidence still falls short of conclusive proof, but it does at
least raise the possibility that natural features in the landscape were used to
mark the solar rising or setting positions at different times of the year. This
is a possibility that has been raised elsewhere in Polynesia, for ex ample in
the Nā
Pali region of the Hawaiian island of Kaua’i.
One of the most significant astronomical alignments to the
inhabitants of Rapa Nui may actually have been a natural one. The village of
Orongo was placed in an extraordinary situation on a knife-edge ridge
overlooking the spectacular but treacherous crater of Rano Kau, with its marshy
lake on one side and the ocean on the other. This sacred place was the
ceremonial base for the extraordinary annual "birdman" ritual in
which contestants had to swim two kilometers (over a mile) out to a small rock,
wait there for the return of a migratory sea bird, and collect its first egg.
As seen from Orongo, the sun rose behind the summit of Poike, a prominent
volcanic hill on a far corner of the island, precisely at the winter (June) solstice.
As the rising sun moved away from this peak, the spring ceremony approached. It
is hard to believe that priests at Orongo could have failed to notice that the
peak of Poike marked the limit of the sun's movement along the horizon,
especially given that the word poike, according to the anthropologist and Maori
scholar Sir Peter Buck (Te Rangi Hiroa), means "to be seen just above the
horizon." However, the severe limitations of the topography make it
unlikely that this was taken into account when the village was planned.
Instead, the solstitial alignment of Poike from the crater-rim village may have
been dis covered later. We would see it as a coincidence, but it may well have
been taken by the Easter Islanders as something that confirmed and reinforced
the already evident sacredness of the place.
A remnant of Easter Island astronomy of a rather different
nature may have been bequeathed to us in the form of Rongorongo script, a
system of symbols used on Easter Island that seems to have provided a series of
triggers for the reader rather than actual words or syllables. One fragment of
Rongorongo has been interpreted as a lunar calendar.
References and
further reading Barthel, Thomas. The Eighth Land: The Polynesian Discovery
and Settle ment of Easter Island. Honolulu: University Press of Hawai`i, 1978.
Fischer, Steven Roger, ed. Easter Island Studies, 122-127. Oxford: Oxbow Books,
1993. Flenley, John, and Paul Bahn. The Enigmas of Easter Island. Oxford: Ox
ford University Press, 2003. Liller, William. The Ancient Solar Observatories
of Rapanui: The Archaeoastronomy of Easter Island. Old Bridge, NJ: Cloud
Mountain Press, 1993. Mulloy, William T. "A Solstice-Oriented Ahu on
Easter Island." Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania 10 (1975),
1-39. Selin, Helaine, ed. Astronomy across Cultures, 148-152. Dordrecht, Neth.:
Kluwer, 2000.
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