
Friday, February 24, 2012

Prehistoric Antiquity Pyramids

The great pyramid of the Atlanteans.
The age when the pyramids were built had its origins deep in prehistoric antiquity. We need therefore to return to the past as far as our imagination and minds armed with the study of history will permit us. If we set ourselves the goal of discovering the causes of the pyramid phenomenon, our only chance of success lies in the possibility of seeing it all with our own eyes.

Key signposts on our journey will definitely be the ancient works of architecture and writing that will help us get closer to our goal without losing our orientation in time and space. The difference between what is known and what you will find out will come to you as an insight, as the result of your own researches. There is but one truth, we just need to see its course with our own eyes. Be prepared – sometimes you will have to make jumps in space and time to compare what you have seen in the past with what is known according to modern science. This will help you to better grasp the symbolism and ideas of the ancients.

Now, mentally viewing our beautiful blue planet from space, let us draw closer and turn our mind’s eye to Egypt. This is a natural choice as more monuments preserving traces of ancient knowledge have survived there relatively intact than anywhere else. The forms and language in which the Ancient Egyptian texts are expressed allow us to see things that can barely be made out in the writings of other peoples. Such an advantage is important when considering fundamental ideological doctrines that determined not only the imagery of presentation, but also the fate of this or that civilization. We lose nothing in giving preference to Egypt, as the “Source” of knowledge for the Egyptian, Sumerian and Mayan civilizations was one and the same. We too shall touch upon that “Source”. The texts of ancient civilizations lead us almost unerringly to it.

At the base of the entire Ancient Egyptian state and religious system lay ideas and knowledge obtained from some even more ancient, highly developed civilization. Tracks leading back to it run through all stages of Ancient Egyptian history to the place where we find the first historical mention of a pyramid – to the times of the legendary Atlantis that was later swallowed by a terrible flood. Before that, however, Atlantis was an archipelago of islands located 600 kilometers west of the Strait of Gibraltar, as well as a number of islands and part of the coast of the Mediterranean, which the Atlanteans called “The Internal Lake”.

The coastline of the islands, seas and oceans of that period differed from what we see today.

Let us go back 15,000 years, to the historical period that the Ancient Egyptian texts call “the First Time” (Zep Tepi) or the era of the Neferu, “when the Neferu lived on the Earth and talked with people”. The word Neferu (Netheru), translated as “gods”, has a complex internal structure2. The descriptions of the Neferu in the texts indicate that they were human beings with god-like abilities. It was these beings who gave people knowledge of mathematics, architecture, astronomy and medicine, of the structure of the Solar System, of cyclical processes and the principles lying at the foundation of the universe. All that made Egypt great was received in its time from the Neferu. The significance of the knowledge, affecting all spheres of life, which had been received from the Neferu was so great that all subsequent civilizations and generations acknowledged the continuity of power and the legitimate existence of something only if it was justified or explained by or connected with the “First Time” – the era of the Neferu.

On one of the southern islands of Atlantis stood a gigantic pyramid topped by a quartz pyramidion. From it straight canals radiated out in different directions, joining into a single system other canals that encircled the pyramid in a series of rings. All this complex irrigation system flowed directly into the waters of the ocean.

Before we start to examine the purpose of the pyramid, let us move across to the Mesopotamian region, to the land of the Sumerians (the territory of present-day Iraq and Syria). This is not a random move – there too people built pyramidal edifices: the stepped ziggurats. The surviving written texts and legends of the ancient Sumerians also contain many mentions of some highly developed civilization that “descended to Earth from the heavens” and collaborated closely with the elite of Sumer. The interaction between “gods” and humans became so close that a number of ancient texts speak openly of the “gods” having sexual relations with “earthly maidens”. The result was the birth of children with unusual genetic abilities described in legends as “half-gods” that went on to become rulers of the land of Sumer.

There is no counting the scientific achievements and technical innovations of the Sumerians who devoted particular attention to the study of the sky and heavenly bodies – and of the Nephilim – the gods that “descended to Earth from the heavens”. Zecharia Sitchin, a leading specialist in the translation of the Sumerian language, pointing out inexactitudes in the rendering of ancient texts, wrote:
“We shall immediately state that neither the Akkadians nor the Sumerians called these beings from the sky ‘god’. Only much later, in the era of paganism, did the concept of divine beings or gods penetrate into the thinking, and also into the language of the ancient peoples.
“The Akkadians called those from the sky ‘Ilu’ – ‘the High Ones’. The Canaanites and Phoenicians called them ‘Baal’ – ‘Lords’ or ‘Wanderers beyond the Clouds’.”
You probably have a strange feeling – this conjecture does not accord with common sense. If that is what is worrying you, you are on the brink of an important revelation. It would seem that the Neferu of the Ancient Egyptians and the Nephilim of the Sumerians are travelers from another planet…

Is such a thing possible? It’s hard to believe; harder still to draw the logical consequences. After all, in school and in higher education our teachers gave and are still giving a completely different version of history. But if it is so, where exactly did these Neferu or Baal come from? Do the Egyptian writings contain at least some mention, some hint that would throw light on this? – Yes, there is something!

In the heyday of Atlantis and later when the Atlanteans who survived the catastrophe arrived in northern Africa, the pyramids were used as a means of communication and a tool for gaining understanding. With the aid of the pyramids it became possible to do more than just improve the energy, and consequently psychic, capacities of the human being. The pyramids provided a unique opportunity to make “contact” with energy-based forms of life and to interact with representatives of extra-terrestrial civilizations. The knowledge obtained in this way raised the capabilities of the Atlanteans who, in the eyes of the primitive peoples around them were like gods.

In the process of degradation evoked by the breach of fundamental moral and ethical standards, partially preserved teachings passed down a somewhat distorted picture of how the ancient gods had lived and what they did.

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